
 In the following pages you will meet our dogs. We have three Berger Picards all from France.  We have two females and one male.  Bacchus our male is a 2009 Grand Champion and was born in 2006.  Créme our first Picard was born in 2007 and became a Champion in 2008 and Espresso was born in 2009.  Our daughter Mattea had wanted a dog for years so she left her Dad little notes in his sock drawer, and under his dinner plate asking for a puppy. Finally he asked  what kind of dog she wanted, she said she did not want a little dog she wanted a huge dog one she could feel safe with, one she could play with and one if she stepped on it would not break.  So we started to research dog breeds and looked at every dog book.  We found a breed we had never heard of before called the Picardy Shepard also known as the Berger Picard a rough coated dog that looked like a mutt.  My husband read Mattea the book “Winn Dixie”, and a year later the movie came out.  We contacted a couple of Picard owners in the U.S. but unfortunately they did not have puppies for sale. My husband was scheduled for open heart surgery and did not know if he was going to survive the operation but he promised Mattea he would get her a Berger Picard.  I finally found Dee Donohue in Florida and told her about my husband’s promise to Mattea and finding a Picard puppy.  Dee said  I might have one, but it was on reserve and would know in a few days whether the individual would be taking it.  She called back with the bad news and  I started to cry and said what am I going to do now.  She said don’t  worry we will find one.  And she did.  The night before Larry went into surgery I heard back from a breeder in France that had a litter and yes we could have a puppy.  One of his puppies was going to a family in Wisconsin.   We  contacted the family and eventually agreed that we would bring back their puppy from France.  So five weeks after Larry’s surgery we were on our way to France to pick up two puppies.  It was a wonderful trip, my husband survived his surgery, and we explored the Western coast of France.  We ate crepes every day, and I took thousands of photographs and best of all we got our Berger Picard. This started our journey with the Picards.

All photographs or images contained on this site are the property of Blue Anker Berger Picards.  You are prohibited  from copying or reproducing any photograph or image found on this site.  Unauthorized use will result in legal action.



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